These files are NOT PROGRAMS! They are special files designed to augment WORLD29 version 2.99 or later for use in following the GULF WAR. A................. MIDEAST.LOC is a listing of over 150 locations in the Mideast. It concentrates on Kuwait, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. It is in the form expected by WORLD29 version 2.99 and later. To have WORLD29 utilize this data there are several choices. 1. I suggest renaming your CUSTOM.LOC file NORMAL.LOC. You do this when in the directory that includes WORLD29. Type the following capitalized words REN CUSTOM.LOC NORMAL.LOC and hit the Enter key. Now copy MIDEAST.LOC to your WORLD29 directory. Now rename MIDEAST.LOC as CUSTOM.LOC An easy way to do this is type the following capitalized words COPY MIDEAST.LOC CUSTOM.LOC and hit the Enter key. You will now have three *.LOC files - NORMAL.LOC, MIDEAST.LOC, and CUSTOM.LOC. CUSTOM.LOC is the same as MIDEAST.LOC and will be used by WORLD29. When you no longer need or want this detailed listing of locations in the Mideast you can copy NORMAL.LOC to CUSTOM.LOC and be right back to the list you are familiar with. You will still have the three files and can use either MIDEAST.LOC or NORMAL.LOC whenever you want. 2. It is possible to add all of MIDEAST.LOC to CUSTOM.LOC but I suggest that this is not a good choice since when the WAR ends you will probably not have a need for any of the small village names. WORLD29 will not have a problem with the longer CUSTOM.LOC listing! You may not, however, be happy with the delay when searching for a location. 3. You can print the MIDEAST.LOC file using the standard Print command and entering selected locations into your CUSTOM.LOC file using either the CREATOR program or your favorite word processor, in ASCII or DOS mode. (see the instructions in WORLD.DOC) B............. MIDEAST.DAT is an overlay or supplemental file for WORLD29 version 2.99 or later. It is an improved version of the outline of KUWAIT, the SAUDI/IRAQ/JORDAN border, and the coast line of Eastern SAUDI ARABIA. 1. To use the new overlay Start WORLD29. At the Supplemental file question on the opening screen type MIDEAST.DAT and hit Enter. Whenever you select a display which includes appropriate areas of the Mideast the overlay will display. 2. You can add this as the default overlay (instead of the Canadian provinces) by reconfiguring using the CREATOR. When asked to "Name your supplemental file. " type MIDEAST.DAT and hit Enter. 3. You can print the file using the standard Print command or your favorite word processor (in ASCII or DOS mode). Then add the data to the SUP.DAT file with CREATOR, your word processor, or the copy command. (if you use the copy command see your DOS manual for instructions on how to combine files) These two files are designed to help you learn about the area of the world we are at war in. They also demonstrate some of the flexibility of the WORLD29 program. I hope that you gain something from my efforts. You can utilize the tracking feature of WORLD29 to create a history of the travels of a soldier or sailor. You can calculate distances - from home to somewhere or from one location to another. DISCLAIMER AS USUAL I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF ANY ELEMENT OF EITHER OF THESE FILES NOR OF THE ACCURACY OF THE PARENT PROGRAM, WORLD29. THESE FACILITIES ARE PRESENTED AS AN AID TO UNDERSTANDING YOUR WORLD! THEY ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION OR AS AN AUTHORITY FOR ANYTHING. PRICE of WORLD29 I would like to remind you that the price for WORLD29 is $15 US. This is the price I charge for the complete, registered, and up-to-date version on a disk. Registration is $10. This is the fee you must pay me if you obtain the program from another source. You can also get the latest version from me for $10 by sending me a disk which has been formated. Registered users can get one update for $5 or for free if the registered user send me a formated disk. AFTER the first update a registered user can get the very latest version of WORLD29 at any time for $10 or for $5 and a formated disk. This price will be fixed upon registration and not change even when the price of WORLD29 goes up.